The purpose of io media studio and channel is to create audio visual videos and ads, online assets for businesses, non-profit organizations, and professionals, for ongoing promotion online to  increase viewers, members and customers. It will strive for quality, innovation and authenticity of our ordinary daily reality. This will give the channel its human connection and value in society — a reflection of life and vice versa.


Using mass media style interviews, reviews and event sampler videos, plus collaborative and co-produced videos and ads, io media will accomplish its vision with combined efforts of businesses, non-profit organizations and professionals for the audio visual content and asset — the VOD video on demand and the AD advertisement commercial.  This synergy will result in a win-win relationship and promotion between the entities involved, like business sponsors becoming business advertisers, and organization members becoming viewers and customers.

Nonprofit Organization

Non-profit organizations promote educational and cultural issues to its members with meetings and to the public with free events. Volunteers are often members who are interested in being part of the organization for its goals and activities. Videos of events and meetings can promote an  organization online and viewers might join and attend in reality.


Businesses sell their products, services and information to the public who become customers or employees. Selling is the primary goal of business and this can be done at a retail location and online website. Video can be used to promote on computer websites and an advertisement commercial on television. Viewers can become customers after seeing a video.


Individuals can be self-employed, sole proprietors or employees with their knowledge and skills. They might join an organization because of similar interests or apply to a business as an employee or buy as a customer. Video can promote an individual in personal, social and professional ways. An individual can have many roles: a viewer, a member, a customer, an employee, a professional.
